The Best Foods for Baby to Gain Weight Under 6 months

The best foods for your baby to gain weight 6 months | Healthfully Encourage Baby's Weight Gain

The best foods for your baby to gain weight 6 months
The best foods for your baby to gain weight

Though it's difficult to think of your child as any cuter, you may be concerned about whether or not they're developing at the proper rate.

If you're concerned that your baby may be underweight, keep in mind that during the first few days of life, newborns typically lose 3–7% (and sometimes up to 10%) of their birth weight, which they then begin to recoup by the end of their second week (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

Infants should acquire at least one pound (0.45 kg) per month until they are six months old. By the end of their first year, they need to weigh almost three times as much as they did at birth (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

Remember that these are averages, and that a healthy baby's weight increase could vary based on a variety of factors, including birth weight and linear growth rate.

When your baby's paediatrician examines them for the first time, or at any other time, you can inquire about weight increase.

Consider giving your baby calorie-dense whole foods if you and your healthcare provider have ruled out any medical causes for their sluggish weight gain, such as heart or digestive problems. These could promote weight gain in a healthy way.

The top 7 foods that help your baby gain weight are listed here. They are arranged by age group below.

The best foods for your baby to gain weight 6 months

It can be concerning if a baby under six months old is not gaining weight as they should. At this stage, breastmilk, formula, or both provide the majority of their calories; therefore, the only things you can control are how often they eat and if they are receiving enough.

1. Breastmilk or infant formula — often and enough

For the first four months of life, expect to feed your breastfed baby eight or more times a day, as they will nurse every two to three hours.

Make sure your baby has completely emptied your breast. This is advised in part because foremilk comes out first during a feeding, while hindmilk comes out last and may be richer.

Let your infant to nurse all the way till your breasts are quite soft. This not only guarantees they're getting all the milk there is, but it also signals your body to produce more.

You may want to consider eating foods that are supposed to stimulate the formation of breastmilk. These include fennel, blessed thistle, or fenugreek-infused lactation drinks or bars. Dark beer and muesli might also be helpful. Further investigation into these options is still required (5).

Furthermore, stay away from wearing shirts or bras that are too tight.

Your infant won't require water to drink until they start eating solid foods. To obtain as many calories as possible into their tiny tummies, give them formula or breastmilk instead.

Inquiries regarding latching problems and possible underlying medical conditions that could impair your infant's metabolism or ability to absorb nutrients at this age may also be made by your doctor.

If you are unsure about which formula to choose or whether to supplement nursing, consult a paediatrician for advice.

A doctor can assist you in making well-informed decisions because these are complex options that rely on numerous personal circumstances. A lactation consultant is another person you might want to speak with.

How to Help Your Baby Gain Weight

When your infant begins eating solid foods, you should make sure that healthy fats make up a large portion of their diet. By include these nutrient- and calorie-dense foods in your baby's meals, you can promote healthy weight gain.

If you have any worries about your baby's weight, you should always visit a healthcare professional (and a lactation consultant if you're nursing). To determine whether your infant is following appropriate growth patterns, they may consult growth charts. For children under the age of three, the World Health Organization's (WHO) growth charts are advised by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Other than changing one's diet, there are situations when delayed weight gain can be caused by an underlying issue.

Olive oil

A gramme of fat has roughly nine calories, as opposed to four in a gramme of protein or carbohydrate.4 A great alternative is plant-based olive oil; for an added flavour boost, consider spreading a teaspoon over pureed veggies.

Nut butters

Nuts are incredibly nutrient-dense and packed with good fats. In order to help prevent allergies in the future, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology suggests introducing them to babies gradually when they are ready to start solid foods (when they can tolerate less allergenic foods).5 Castle recommends sprinkling some cashew, almond, or peanut butter into your baby's porridge in the morning.

Whole milk

This is an obvious next step, since babies should spend their first year of life on breast milk or formula. Introduce whole milk to your kid between the ages of one and two to help them acquire weight. You can offer more full-fat dairy products before the age of one.


Avocados are a simple addition for babies who are just starting to eat solid foods because of their mild flavour and creamy consistency. Keep an eye out for store-bought baby snacks that even include pureed avocados with other fruits.


Fruits differ from one another in terms of how many calories they contain. Compared to, instance, watermelon, apples, or strawberries, bananas have a lot more fat. They're also a great source of fibre and potassium.
