Newborn baby Snoring Causes & Treatments

Baby Snoring Causes & Risks | Why Does This Happen?

Newborn baby Snoring Causes & Treatments
Newborn baby Snoring Causes & Treatments

Babies breathe loudly a lot of the time, especially at night. This breathing may even be snoring, or it may sound like it! These noises often don't indicate anything dangerous.

If you've ever shared a bed with a baby, you know that they can make some really disturbing noises when they sleep: they can sigh, grunt, cry, cough, whine, and occasionally even giggle. In light of this, we find it very hilarious that the phrase "sleeping like a baby" refers to this behaviour.

Snoring is another typical newborn sleep sound. Furthermore, although it could keep you up at night if you and your infant share a room, baby snoring is typically not a reason for alarm.  

Many babies are "noisy breathers," and this does not always indicate a medical issue, according to paediatrician Amanda Stovall, MD, of Springfield Clinic in Springfield, Illinois. 

Here's what you should know about baby snoring, from why it occurs to when you should consult your child's paediatrician, if you have a noisy breather of your own at home. 

Is It Normal for a Baby To Snore?

Dr. Stovall notes that babies' narrow airways force them to breathe via their noses most of the time, so it's normal to hear them breathing as they sleep. However, a lot of parents express concern about their child's snoring since they don't anticipate their baby being so noisy at night.

However, quiet snoring in infants is rather frequent, according to paediatrician Jonathan Maynard, MD, of Providence Mission Hospital in Orange County, California. According to one study, 9% of newborns snore more than three times each week.1. Moreover, baby snoring is usually not harmful. According to Dr. Maynard, "breathing noises that are generally quiet, only happen for short periods of time, and do not disturb the infant's sleep do not represent a serious problem."

However, Dr. Maynard goes on, breathing noises that are continuous, higher pitched than a whisper, disrupt your baby's sleep, or cause them to cease breathing are more alarming. These signs may indicate upper airway resistance syndrome or sleep apnea, two paediatric sleep disorders. 

What Causes a Baby To Snore?

According to Dr. Maynard, the main developmental reason for baby snoring is that many newborns have a soft larynx that vibrates more when breathing, producing more noise. 

This is known as laryngomalacia, and most newborns with it breathe easily, feed without difficulty, and grow normally, eventually getting better on their own as they get older, according to Dr. Stovall.

According to Dr. Stovall, nasal discharge or congestion brought on by illness is another frequent cause. Similar to adult infections, upper respiratory tract infections can exacerbate nasal breathing during sleep and result in snoring. 

An environment that is dry when you sleep could be another factor. Additionally, some kids are born with deviated septums3, which can result in snoring. Additionally, babies who have specific genetic diseases, such Down syndrome, are more likely to snore while they sleep.

Is Baby Snoring Harmful?

Typically, a baby's snoring causes little harm. According to Dr. Maynard, it's a typical behaviour that will often go away as your child gets older. 

On the other hand, loud or persistent snoring may indicate a more serious problem that needs to be treated. According to Dr. Maynard, if you are worried about your child's snoring but your infant is not exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory distress, you should record the behaviour on film and then make an appointment with your paediatrician to talk about your concerns. (Note: You should get medical help right away if your infant exhibits any symptoms of respiratory distress.)

What To Do About Baby Snoring

Once more, according to Dr. Stovall, most noisy breathers will outgrow their snoring phase when the tissue surrounding their airway gets more rigid. However, there are things you may do to lessen their snoring in the interim, especially if they've just been sick.

Dr. Stovall suggests using a bulb syringe to remove any extra mucus after your infant has been sprayed with nasal saline to relieve congestion in their nose.

To add more moisture to the air in your child's room at night, run a humidifier in there.

The safe sleep guidelines of the American Academy of Paediatrics state that you should continue to put your infant to sleep on their back until they become one year old, even if snoring is usually greater when they do so.5. It's okay for your baby to turn over during the night if they can do so on their own, but unless they are at least a year old, you shouldn't lay them on their side to stop them from snoring.

When Is Snoring by Babies a Concern?

According to Dr. Maynard, you should take your baby to the closest emergency room or urgent care centre for assessment if they exhibit any of the following symptoms: skin turning blue, nostrils flaring with breathing, or noticeably retracting skin between the ribs. These signs of respiratory distress include breathing harder or faster than usual.

If you're still worried about your baby's snoring and they're not exhibiting any signs of respiratory distress, you can make an appointment with your paediatrician during regular business hours, advises Dr. Stovall. This is especially useful if you've seen additional symptoms like:

1. Having trouble feeding

2. Pulling off the bottle or breast frequently to breath

3. Continuing to snore even as they get older

4. Recurrent throat infections

5. Seeming constantly tired despite sleeping and napping as usual

Additionally, you might want to watch out for the following symptoms, and contact your child's paediatrician if you notice any of them:

1. Sleeping with long gaps between breaths

2. choking or gasping sounds while you sleep

3. Extremely restless when you sleep

Any of these could indicate that your child needs to have an assessment for a sleep issue, long-term medical condition, or physical defect (such a deviated septum). 
