Difference Between Dry And Wet Cough in Kids

Difference Between Dry And Wet Cough in Kids | Causes and Remedies 

Difference Between Dry vs Wet Cough in Kids: Causes and Remedies
Difference Between Dry vs Wet Cough in Kids: Causes and Remedies

Helping your child feel better may come from understanding the distinction between a productive wet cough and a dry cough! Everything parents should know is provided here.

Though they can take many different forms, coughs can be classified as either wet or dry. If your child is experiencing symptoms of either type, it's critical to identify the differences between them so that you can provide the appropriate treatment. Everything you need to know about kids' dry and wet coughs is provided here.

Phlegm or mucus are produced by wet coughs, commonly referred to as productive coughs. This fluid, which originates from the respiratory tract, can be clear, white, yellow, or green in colour. Infections such as pneumonia, the common cold, and influenza can be the cause of wet coughs.1. In addition to producing mucus and a persistent cough that sounds "wet," allergies can also produce other symptoms.

When a child or toddler has a wet cough, other symptoms like tiredness, runny nose, and sore throat are frequently present. Postnasal drip, which feels like snot streaming down the chest or mouth, may potentially affect your child.

What Is a Dry Cough in Kids?

Conversely, dry coughs, also known as unproductive coughs, don't generate any phlegm or mucus, according to Colorado paediatrician Hector de Leon, MD, of Kaiser Permanente. A tickling in the throat and hacking noises are telltale signs of a dry cough.

The most common cause of dry coughs is irritation of the upper respiratory tract, which can result from either chronic (such as asthma or GERD) or transient illnesses (including allergies, croup, whooping cough, or environmental irritants).2. After a cold or flu, children may also develop a dry cough from mucus residue; this cough could last for several weeks. It's crucial to remember that a lot of the causes of dry coughs call for an urgent visit to the doctor for additional testing and you should always consult a medical professional before trying any home remedies.

Ways to Treat a Dry or Wet Cough in Kids

In the end, the underlying reason of a wet or dry cough determines the best course of action. Examine your child's cough to ascertain its nature and cause. If you're not sure or if your youngster exhibits any concerning signs, see a healthcare professional (more on this below). Then, to help your child stop coughing, you might try the following natural therapies, under the advice of a medical practitioner.

Home Remedies for a Wet Cough

Wet coughs may last for days or weeks—however long you're fighting the virus. It's also possible that your child's wet cough will turn into a dry cough as they get better. In the meantime, here are some ideas for how to ease the coughing:

Babies may experience discomfort from wet coughs since they are unable to blow their nostrils. Using a bulb syringe and saline nasal drops, parents can aid in the mucus removal process.

Raise your kid's bed or give them an additional pillow. Elevating your head while you sleep reduces postnasal drip, which eases coughing and sore throats. Be aware that this is only advised for toddlers or older kids—babies should not do this.

Put in a humidifier in the bedroom of your kid. The wetness makes phlegm easier to get rid of by keeping the throat moist. The same effects can be obtained by sitting in a steamy bathroom with a little child or by taking a steamy shower.

To avoid throat dryness, drink plenty of water. The best drinks to thin out mucus are hot liquids (such as decaffeinated tea or chicken noodle soup) and very cold liquids.

Home Remedies for a Dry Cough

Coughs that are dry last longer than those that are watery. These are some recommended treatments; however, if your child's cough is due to asthma or GERD, make sure to see a doctor for advice on the best course of action.

Give your child's room a humidifier or urge her to have a hot shower. The extra moisture helps relieve the dry cough-causing chest pain.

Honey, menthol, and other throat-soothing substances are found in cough drops and throat lozenges. When used on youngsters old enough to suck on them without swallowing, they are an effective treatment for dry coughs.

If your child is older than one, you might want to serve honey, which coats the throat and soothes irritation that causes coughing.

In a similar vein, your youngster can gargle with salt water to relieve inflammation. Half a teaspoon of salt to eight ounces of water is a decent ratio. Just watch out that your kid doesn't ingest it!

Steer clear of exercise, as this could make a dry cough worse.
